The Best Nootropics For Studying And Learning

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Although hard work is the first condition for academic success, life hack on college campuses is the use of natural and synthetic substances that help in rigorous exam preparation. As a student, you might have an interest in the ability of nootropics to aid encode, store, and recall information. Including enhancing focus, alertness, motivation, all-day energy, and reduce stress. The trend is well-known as nootropics for studying.

Nootropics support a variety of cognitive functions with evolving proof that they assist in learning and the safe completion of academic tasks.

Examining cognitive compounds could be of great help to the student if some problems interrupt the learning plan.

  • If you have a hard time concentrating while preparing for an important exam.

  • If your cognitive demands are depleting your brain just in time for important exams

  • If you lack a desire to complete large projects or study longer.

  • If you’re under the stress associated with school success.

Today, the strategies for taking cognitive substances are changing.

The myth of a limitless pill makes you smarter is not true, rather fiction. It just helps unlock your full potential.

Also, neither true nootropics nor smart stimulant drugs synthesize new information in your head.

Smart drugs will help you to focus though won’t assist with the memory and reasoning category. Adderall, originally an ADHD prescription and favored college drug for enhancing short-term cognition, is no longer a pick because of many side effects for healthy and balanced individuals. The banned wakefulness-promoting agent Modafinil and its alternatives are harder to legally deliver to your door. In fact, why even bother?

Natural nootropics, which are not lacking in the marketplace, are increasingly switching out these well-liked prescription drugs. They are risk-free, efficient, and cheaper than the above-mentioned stimulants.

For students, there is a wide range of nootropic herbs and a special class of botanicals called adaptogens, B-Complex and vitamin supplements, few important amino acids, medicinal mushrooms, phospholipids, choline sources, free radicals cleansings. Also several legal and good synthetic compounds such as the best 9 racetams nootropics.

  • Nootropics will energize your brain for all-night study sessions. 

  • Help encode into memory the subject you are studying and remember it on the exam-day.

  • Improve your mood while increasing productivity.

  • Help you with mental clarity, verbal fluency, and the ability to focus more.

This is an overview of nootropics for students and learners of all ages. In addition to alternative methods and techniques that will serve you well in combination with nootropics.

Square academic cap graduation ceremony; nootropics for studying
Study nootropics

How Nootropics for studying work?

nootropics for studying
Numerous benefits of taking nootropics for studying

Nootropics are working by optimizing major neurotransmitters and modulating neurotransmitter receptors, to stimulate your brain to work better. 

Most research is done into understanding memory and learning and what is the role of specific neurotransmitters that participate in the process. We do seem to know the several bio-pathways as well as regions of the brain involved. But much is left shrouded in secrecy.

Much evidence converges on the view that learning and memory, synaptic plasticity, and neurogenesis are inter-related phenomena. Specifically, the latter two are considered to provide a substrate for specific aspects of learning and memory function. LTP maintenance probably underlies memory retention and its inhibition erases memory. Encoding of a memory trace induces LTP in a subset of hippocampal synapses. Neurogenesis underlies specific dynamic and flexible features of learning and memory phenomena in a precisely regulated and time-restricted manner…

-Frontiers (source)

What we know is the brain can adapt to the cognitive enhancement caused by taking nootropics thanks to mechanisms such as LTP (long-term potentiation) and synaptic plasticity. As a result, neuroplasticity and neurogenesis may occur.

Which of these nootropics you need will depend on your goals, that is, which set of neurotransmitters you want to balance.

  • Acetylcholine helps us learn, process, and recall new information, and improves our focus.

  • Dopamine is responsible for mood and motivation and elevates the pleasure-reward pathway when solving a problem or learning something new.

  • Norepinephrine – or noradrenaline – acts alongside dopamine to promote wakefulness, attention, and intense focus, regulate cognitive function and reaction time.

  • Epinephrine – a.k.a. Adrenaline is in charge of intense energy.

  • Serotonin is critical for relaxation and deep satisfaction.

  • Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) is crucial for sedation and calmness while inhibits excessive excitation.

  • Glutamate (NMDA and AMPA receptors) is an excitatory neurotransmitter that has distinct roles in controlling synaptic strength. Glutamate receptors aid neurons to develop enhanced connectivity with each other, which underlies short-term and long-term memory formation.

Benefits of taking nootropics for studying

In college, several brain biological pathways play a more important role than others. Likewise their corresponding nootropics.

  • Cholinergic status is associated with brain chemical acetylcholine, and cholinergic nootropics are useful for a variety of cognitive pathways important for memory consolidation. They help us learn, process, and remember new information by giving choline for ACh synthesis or helping with membrane health. Also, they sharpen acetylcholine receptors for better expression of it or prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine to make it longer active.

  • Stress reduction nootropics work by optimizing the stress hormone cortisol which is released from the kidneys and affects physical and mental performance. Some nootropics may regulate the activation of the stress response or decreasing over-active cognitive pathways of stress activation.

  • Catecholaminergic levels decrease while we are under stress or lack of sleep. Catecholamines are epinephrine (adrenaline), noradrenaline (noradrenaline), and dopamine. By improving their activity, nootropics control executive functions such as attention, working memory, and impulse control.

Paying attention to these cognitive pathways during the study will enhance cellular energy levels and reducing brain fog.

Optimizing these cognitive pathways by using nootropics will lead to better:

  1. Memory: Short-term, long-term, storage, encoding, learning, recall.

  2. Mental Performance: Speed, processing, attention, focus, verbal.

  3. Mindset: Mood, sleep, relaxation, creativity, motivation, support healthy stress levels.

  4. Brain Health: Brain cell protection, repair, regeneration, healthy aging.

Best nootropics for studying

Now that we know the main players in cognitive enhancement, as well as the bio-pathways they use to bring us benefits, let’s look at the table below where the various goals are set and single-ingredient nootropics that complement those goals.

Notice that many nootropics ingredients have multi-effects on more than one goal. That way you can use some of them as your mini-stack.

Also, we strongly recommend that you buy these nootropics only from the right sources.

You may find it in our list of the best vendors.

The best suppliers specialize in producing only potent forms of nootropics so that by taking one ingredient you have a unified scientific method and the best selection of raw materials.

Also, you can go on our article for an extended list of all the best natural nootropics suggestions.

Benefits of nootropics Best nootropics for studying

Nootropics for memory

  • Phosphatidylserine (PS) – Researchers suggested it helps short-term memorylong-term memoryrecall, and more; PS is the best evidence-backed memory nootropic.

  • Citicoline – Shown to help enhance memory performance in elderly people, possibly due to brain-energizing and regenerative nootropic properties.

  • Bacopa Monnieri – Top memory-booster for students because it helps slow down the rate at which the brain forgets newly learned knowledge.

  • Vitamin B6 – shown to significantly improve storage of information in older adults.

  • L-Tyrosine – shown to help enhance working memory in multitasking settings with additional benefits for mental performance under stress.

Nootropics for mood

  • L-Theanine – modulates Alpha brainwaves to encourage a relaxed, stress-free state; L-Theanine has been linked to a calmer heart rate and reduced stress markers.

  • Bacopa Monnieri – adaptogen stress-buster suggested to ease stress while sharpening mental performance; no sedating side effects.

  • Lion’s Mane Mushroom – Assists with Nerve Growth Factor (NGF), which may explain its clinically shown benefits for a bright, balanced mood.

Nootropics for attention

  • L-Tyrosine – a master precursor to attention-related brain chemicals; suggested to activate cognition and boost markers of attention.

  • Citicoline – shown to enhance attentional performance in two separate studies, one for women and one for younger men.

  • L-Theanine – raises an Alpha brain wave state of relaxed alertness; shown to improve attention in human research.

  • Rhodiola Rosea – shown to significantly enhance multiple aspects of attentional performance.

Nootropics for energy

  • Citicoline – is the Cognizin brand, it has been clinically shown to boost brain energy metabolism by 13.6%.

  • Rhodiola Rosea – Suggested to increase brain ATP energy and minimize stress-induced fatigue.

  • Vitamin B12 – key cofactor in brain cell energy metabolism.

  • L-Tyrosine  shown to enhance mental performance under sleep deprivation.

Nootropics for sleep

  • L-Theanine – shown in human research to improve sleep quality and other sleep benefits: Dream quality, energy upon waking, mood, and self-perceived measures of recovery.

Nootropics for stress

  • L-Tyrosine – may assist with mental recovery by helping to restore brain chemicals that are depleted by stress.

  • Rhodiola Rosea – adaptogen that strengthens stress resistance; a natural mind-body performance enhancer.

  • Bacopa Monnieri – another anti-stress adaptogen, suggested priming the brain for active thinking under stress.

  • L-Theanine – shown to have anti-stress benefits, attributed to its Alpha brain wave modulating activity.

Nootropics for creativity

  • L-Theanine – works by modulating brain waves to the Alpha frequency – a relaxed-but-alert brain-state that is associated with mind-expanding creativity and cognitive exploration.

Nootropics for learning

  • Bacopa Monnieri – the most famous learner’s nootropic, shown to slow down the rate at which we forget new knowledge.

  • Rhodiola Rosea – suggested in animal research to demonstrate the potential for enhancing memory and learning ability.

Nootropics for motivation

  • L-Tyrosine – helps to balance brain chemicals and support dopamine levels associated with the healthy mental drive.

  • Vitamin B9 – a foundation nootropic B-vitamin that is required for dopamine synthesis; may help to support motivation.

  • Rhodiola Rosea – optimizes dopamine plus mind-clarifyingstimulatingenergizing benefits that complement motivation.

best nootropics stack for studying

A spoon full of Lion's Mane nootropic powder for stacking nootropics
Lion's Mane nootropic powder by Nootropics Depot

Most standalone natural nootropics come with universal benefits for everyone. It will increase specific cognitive outcomes such as memory, focus, mood, motivation, and energy. But how many of these benefits will be noticed will depend on the individual user because we all have different sensitivity to the ingredients.

The best nootropics for studying, learning, and memory reach their full potential by combining ingredients in a practice known as stacking nootropics.

You can read about the following ten nootropics and examples of successful stacking methods.

#1  CDP Choline (Citicoline) for studying

Citicoline occurs naturally in the body and converts to choline and cytidine. Being a precursor to the synthesis of acetylcholine, Citicoline also boosts the release of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. It also promotes neuronal plasticity by strengthening communication between cells. One of its functions is to promote the synthesis and maintenance of cell membranes. It also supports healthy mitochondrial function which energizes the brain.

  • support memory
  • promote faster recall speed
  • support learning capacity
  • promote focus and attention
  • support brain energy

Dosage of Citicoline – The recommended dosage of CDP-Choline is 250 mg twice a day.

CDP Choline stacks

  • Cognizin Citicoline + Dynamine Methylliberine – Cognitive support, easier to focus and absorb new information. Methylliberine is a purine alkaloid found in the Kucha tea leaf. Like its cousin Theacrine it is a substitute for caffeine.
  • Cognizin Citicoline + Magnesium Threonate + 7,8-Dihydroxyflavone – This stack promotes memory formation through various pathways. 7,8-Dihydroxyflavone is a natural flavone found in several species that can exert cognitive effects. It can promote the growth of dendrites, and help restore communication between neurons.

Find more stack recommendations on Nootropics Depot

#2  Bacopa Monnieri for studying

This legendary student’s nootropic is referenced in Ayurvedic texts dating back to the 6th century AD. It is a strong botanical adaptogen included in almost every of today’s nootropic formulations that claim to enhance memory. It is traditionally used to support cognitive function and promote longevity. Its adaptogen quality helps you adapt to the stressors from the environment. So for students, Bacopa offers stress management as well as to experience main brain benefits. The active ingredient only found in this nootropic is Bacosides which can improve synaptic communication by supporting the growth of dendrites. Bacopa interacts with serotonergic systems which is why it will boost mood and cognitive function in students.

The 12-week administration of Bacopa Monnieri was found to improve cognitive function.

  • Speed of visual information processing
  • Learning rate and memory consolidation
  • May help promote healthy stress levels
  • May help support healthy sleep patterns
  • May help promote feelings of well-being

Dosage of Bacopa Monnieri –  The recommended daily dose of Bacopa is 300 mg as long as the total Bacosides content makes up 55% of the supplement by weight. If taken in leaf or powder form, the recommended dose is 750-1500 mg. 

But, wait for a second, although many manufacturers claim to produce the strongest 55% Bacosides extracts of Bacopa, it is possibly not so! 

Nootropics Depot proudly announced the Bacopa Monnieri extract that came in at a whopping 24% Bacosides by HPLC/UPLC! The major difference is that the most shouted testing values are obtained by an old methodology that not only measures the Bacosides but all other compounds that have a UV signal remotely similar to bacosides. Long story short, this is probably the strongest Bacopa extract you’ll find on the market. 

Bacopa Monnieri stacks

  • Bacopa + N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine + ALCAR – Excellent focus, energy boost, learning, and memory
  • Bacopa + Phenylpiracetam – Physical energy
  • Bacopa + Piracetam – Cognitive stimulation
  • Bacopa + Aniracetam – Reduced stress

Find more stack recommendations on Nootropics Depot

#3  Rhodiola Rosea for studying

Rhodiola Rosea is another adaptogen and cognition-enhancing psychostimulant that promotes mental energy and clear, calm thinking under challenging conditions. It works best during mental stress situations like sleep deprivation, test-taking, presentations, and deadlines. Rhodiola is known to protect brain chemical acetylcholine, as well as optimize norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin.

  • May help support healthy stress levels
  • May help promote cognitive function
  • May help support energy
  • May help promote cellular health
  • May help support feelings of well-being
  • May help promote nerve health

Rhodiola is a very complex high-altitude herb with a whopping 140 compounds found in it. The most beneficial components are Salidroside, Tyrosol, and Rosavins. There is a wide range of different Rhodiola effects depending on these three content types.

  • Focus on the Salidroside content – Energy-boosting extract, great for very demanding tasks.
  • Focus on the Rosavins content – Produce significantly less stimulating effects whilst providing more general health benefits (oxidation balancing) and calming effects, so it is generally a recommended nootropic for studying.
  • Tyrosol content – It is a less-known Rhodiola extract that produces energy-promoting properties while also supporting immune function. 

Dosage of Rhodiola Rosea – it is quirky to dose Rhodiola as it can be “stimulating” at low doses and have a “toning” effect at higher doses.

Rhodiola Rosea Stacks

  • Citicoline + Rhodiola Rosea – Help sustain long-term brain energy without crash side effects like in typical synthetic stimulants
  • Rhodiola (3% Salidrosides) + Cordyceps + Black Hoof Mushroom + L-Citrulline – Help promote physical endurance, without the use of caffeine.
  • Rhodiola (3% Salidrosides) + Ashwagandha (KSM-66) + Ginseng + Lemon Balm – Designed to help support stress management.

Find more stack recommendations on Nootropics Depot

#4  Gotu Kola for studying

Gotu Kola is an aquatic plant that grows abundantly in tropical areas. Its nootropic benefits are very similar to that of Bacopa Monnieri with which it shares a common name such as Brahmi. It has been reported to promote relaxation but is also often called a ”student herb” as it sharpens the mind. In traditional Ayurveda, Gotu Kola is used as a memory supplement among its other benefits and uses. The main bioactive compounds are triterpenoids that enhance memory function and promote a healthy stress level. Its mechanisms also activate a BDNF growth factor for neurons which may result in brain plasticity and better communication between brain cells. 

  • May help support memory function and promote mental clarity
  • May help promote healthy stress levels
  • May help support healthy cardiovascular function
  • It May help promote healthy sleep cycles
  • May help support collagen synthesis

Dosage of Gotu Kola – it is usually taken up to 600 mg per day. Higher doses are divided into two or three smaller doses several hours apart.

Advanced Stacks

  • Gotu Kola + Uridine Monophosphate + Lemon Balm – A great help for promoting sleep quality so important for students; this stack will promote deep sleep and allow you to wake up feeling refreshed.
  • Gotu Kola + Rhodiola + Alpha Lipoic Acid + CoQ10 – Rhodiola and Gotu Kola alone significantly promote overall mitochondrial function; this stack promotes energy production and regulates oxidative stress.

Find more stack recommendations on Nootropics Depot

#5  L-theanine for studying

Alertness yet focused attention without stimulation is a trademark of this non-essential amino acid. L-theanine has been found to affect cognitive processes, such as dopamine, serotonin, GABA, and norepinephrine — all of which improve focus by putting you in a meditative, relaxed state. Also, L-theanine has a modulatory effect on alpha brain waves which is associated with calm, relaxed thinking without sedation. That means self-regulation of stress while you’re studying. It can also increase your energy levels.

  • Promotes relaxation
  • Support healthy sleep cycles
  • Support healthy stress levels
  • Promote feelings of well-being
  • Support cognitive function and focus
  • Synergistic effects paired with Caffeine

Dosage of L-theanine – it is best taken in a single dose of 200 – 250 mg dosages. It is well tolerated in higher doses although it is best to split it that way.

L-theanine stacks

  • L-theanine (400 mg) + Caffeine (200 mg) Separately these two supplements have their negative side effects. For example, some people have found that L-theanine induces too much of a trance-like state, and caffeine alone causes uncomfortable jitter-like side effects. Together these two supplements complement one another nicely, by removing the negative side effects and giving you a clean, controlled focus for studying. Try Performance Lab® Stim which is the best pre-formulated caffeine + L-Theanine stack on the market in our opinion.
  • L-theanine + Cognizin Citicoline + Uridine – Promote fast-acting mental focus without producing too much mental stimulation.

Find more stack recommendations on Nootropics Depot

#6  N-acetyl L-tyrosine for studying

N-acetyl L-tyrosine is a modified and more bioavailable form of the non-essential amino acid L-tyrosine. Being the precursor to neurotransmitters such as dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine, L-tyrosine is particularly useful in promoting motivation and focus. This amino acid optimizes mental performance in times of fatigue, or sleep deprivation, and helps protect the brain against stress hormones. Other areas where it shines are cognitive functions like working memory under multitasking conditions, decision-making, attention, and alertness. NALT also has stronger mood-promoting effects than regular L-tyrosine. So, if students want to stay on task and get more stuff done, this nootropic is the right choice.

  • Mood and sense of well-being
  • Cognitive function under stress
  • Focus and attention
  • Memory
  • Energy
  • Athletic performance

Dosage of NALT – it is best taken in a single dose of 350-500 mg twice per day.

Dosage of L-tyrosine – for memory and thinking skills, a single dose of 100-300 mg/kg up to 2000 mg of tyrosine can be taken before a stressful mental task.

NALT stacks

  • N-Acetyl L-tyrosine + B vitamins – For maximum motivation and for optimal nootropic improvement stack NALT with B vitamins, which are also key catecholamine co-factors.
  • N-Acetyl L-tyrosine + Dynamine Methylliberine + Cordyceps – The smooth and clean feeling of stimulation promotes strong motivation.
  • N-Acetyl L-tyrosine + Theacrine + Berberine – Helps to promote mental energy levels whilst exerting a smoother effects profile than caffeine.

Find more stack recommendations on Nootropics Depot

#7  Lion’s Mane mushroom for studying

Lion’s Mane is an edible mushroom belonging to the tooth fungus group. It contains several polysaccharides, such as B-glucan (beta-glucan), heteroglycans, heteroxylans, and triterpenes that help sustain overall cognitive function and mood. The bioactive compounds in Lion’s Mane have links to the brain’s natural production of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) and may increase BDNF levels promoting neuronal growth, connectivity, and organization. Lion’s Mane also enhances long-term potentiation (LTP), as well as modulate myelination – the protective sheaths – of neurons.

  • May help promote feelings of well-being
  • May help support relaxation
  • May help promote cognitive function
  • May significantly improve photographic and short-term memory

Dosage of Lion’s Mane – it is typically taken from 500–3000 mg per day. The higher doses can be administered in 3 oral doses throughout the day.

Lion’s Mane Stacks

  • Lion’s Mane + Alpha-GPC – The highest concentration of choline source which is in Alpha GPC seems to magnify the effects of Lion’s Mane and add to the focus, memory retention, and recall.
  • Lion’s Mane (100 mg) + Ashwagandha (200 mg) + Caffeine (100 mg) + L-theanine (200 mg) – The effects of this stack are to promote motivation, relaxation, energy, and focus. The mood boost is something for which these nootropics are excellent.

Find more stack recommendations on Nootropics Depot

#8  Oxiracetam for studying

Oxiracetam is a derivative of the original racetam, piracetam. It is stronger than its predecessor and gives more nootropic benefits. It also has mild stimulant properties that keep you alert and focused. As a cholinergic compound, Oxiracetam affects acetylcholine neurotransmitters in your brain and improves everything from attention span and memory to sensory perception. Students will benefit from taking Oxiracetam for logical learning. Such as for processing data logic, analysis, and facts promoting logic-based thinking, and easier understanding of number-based concepts. Oxiracetam is reducing free radicals and oxidative stress, helping to remove excess toxins such as calcium that can lead to a drop in memory function in the brain.

  • Memory
  • Focus
  • Attention
  • Processing speed
  • Reflexes

The dosage of Oxiracetam – ranges between 1200-2400 mg daily. For best results, you would split this into three even dosages — for example, 400 mg taken 3 times daily. It is always best to use the smallest dosage to see how it affects your body before increasing it.

Oxiracetam stack

  • Oxiracetam (750 mg) + Aniracetam (1500 mg) + Noopept (10-20 mg) – This stack promotes motivation, study, work, and socializing. It is most effective when taken before an exam for study purposes or during exams as well. I wouldn’t recommend taking it daily as you’ll start to see a lesser effect over time.

Find the best Oxiracetam on

#9  Noopept for studying

Noopept is made up of the amino acids proline, glycine, and phenyl acetyl group. It is a potent nootropic with a mild psychostimulant effect that aids in laser focus and motivation. It is working on cognitive and learning functions much like most racetams, however with the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier with ease. That’s why you will experience its benefits as fast as 15-20 minutes after ingestion. Noopept brings more oxygen to the brain which improves focus and elevates mood. By inhibiting the breakdown of glutamate neurotransmitters, Noopept increases focus and processing which are the key in studying.

  • Memory
  • Cognition
  • Learning
  • Mood
  • Perception
  • Reflexes

Dosage of Noopept – 10-30 mg once a day and for no longer than two months at a time. It is recommended to cycle off Noopept for best results, using it for 1-3 weeks and then taking one month off. To use Noopept for studying, take 10-15 mg up to 3 times a day and try to not exceed 40 mg within 24 hours.

Noopept stacks

Noopept + Alpha GPC – Alpha GPC stabilizes Noopept and maximizes its effects on memory formation, processing, and recall.

Find the best Noopept on CosmicNootropic

#10  Aniracetam for studying

Aniracetam is another unique nootropic from the racetam family. It is a potent mood enhancer and allows ideas to flow more freely which increases your ability to think abstractly. Aniracetam upregulates receptors in the brain to take in more oxygen and glucose. Students will benefit from taking Aniracetam for creativity as this nootropic targets right brain functionality. 

  • Memory and learning enhancement
  • Improved mood
  • Less stress and more creativity

The dosage of Aniracetam – varies between 750-1500 mg. Start with the lowest recommended dosage to see how it affects you. It has been noted that taking any less than 750 mg and you will not likely experience any of its effects or benefits.

Aniracetam Stacks

  • Aniracetam + Oxiracetam – Stacking these two nootropics will improve verbal and linguistic functioning, as well as sensory perception and logical ability.

Find the best Aniracetam on

nootropics study stack

#2 Study stack
goals: motivation, memory, alertness, learning, focus
Acetyl L-Carnitine500 mg
L-Theanine200 mg
Caffeine100 mg
Alpha-GPC300 mg
Aniracetam1000 mg
Oxiracetam1000 mg
CDP-Choline250 mg
source: NutriPeek
#3 Beginner’s Nootropic Stack
Goals: learning, memory, focus, calm energy
Alpha GPC300 mg
Uridine300 mg
L-theanine200 mg
Theacrine100 mg
Find Beginner’s Nootropic Stack bundle on Double Wood Supplements

Pre-made nootropic stack for study

If you don’t want to bother over the selection, dosing, and encapsulation of ingredients, your best bet would be this method of taking nootropics.

A pre-made stack will save you time and research of different individual nootropic supplements. The companies that produce them follow the latest trends in stacking nootropics and adhere to the laws and regulations on substances that improve cognitive ability.

Simply look at the best-rated natural nootropic stacks to improve performance in 2021.

We use and gladly recommend the two broad-spectrum nootropic supplements called Mind Lab Pro and STAQ Performer because they have all the necessary nootropics for college students and learners of any age.

#1 Mind Lab Pro for studying

two capsules of Mind_Lab_Pro in hand - my experience

Dosage: 2-4 capsules in the morning (stop on weekends)

Benefits: Mind Lab Pro is the all-out performance enhancer. It uses only evidence-backed nootropics with only best-in-class nutrient forms and a synergistic matrix with each nootropic bringing unique value.

This stack approaches the brain complexity with 11 nootropics operating in 6 bio-pathways to optimize a broad range of cognitive functions. 

  • Brain chemistry

  • Brain energy

  • Brain regeneration

  • Brain circulation

  • Brain protection

  • Brain waves

This pre-made stack can be further matched with the products of its sister company Performance Lab, which makes custom stacks for any biohacking goals.

Visit Mind Lab Pro

#2 STAQ Performer for studying

Where to buy STAQ Performer

Dosage: 2-3 capsules a day (stop on weekends)

Benefits: STAQ Performer's caffeinated nootropic formula is really well-dosed with other quality nootropics to provide short-and-long-term benefits. Like for example, Lion’s Mane, Cognizin, and Bacopa come in really respectable doses. STAQ doesn't contain fillers or under-researched or risky compounds either. So, the product is allergen-free, non-GMO, gluten-free, and veggie.

This nootropic stack is an energy supplement with advanced nootropic quality crafted to bring enhanced cognitive performance.

  • Memory

  • Focus

  • Energy

  • Clarity

  • Motivation

  • Verbal fluency

  • Problem-solving

While it delivers a fast-acting formula for instant results, it’s also a safe long-term aid with neuroprotective properties.

Visit STAQ Performer

Life hacks and Techniques for improving memory and cognition

puzzles with 'mental health' words
Life hacks and memory techniques for improving cognition

Nootropics work best on solid mental foundations. For the best results, consider adopting the following routines while using cognitive enhancing substances.

  • Sleep (a/ Lucid Dreaming, b/ Naps)

  • Diet (a/ Nutritional deficiencies, b/ Gut health, c/ Brain foods)

  • Exercise (a/ HIIT, b/ Meditation)

If you want to make your ‘nootropics’ routine a very effective tool, first make sure you live around positive people, an enriched environment, with lots of sleep, exercise, and relaxation.

# hack 1: Regular sleep cycle and creativity

The Nobel Prize winner Otto Loewi found nerve cells communicate exchanging chemicals or neurotransmitters. His simple experiments proved sleep promotes creative problem-solving. Sleep strengthens our memories, enhances creativity, increases willpower. It resets our hormones, gives our neurons a cleansing bath, and ensures all systems in various regions of the brain work fine.

Quick tip:

One useful memory-enhancement technique is to use an audio recording you want to remember and play it while you are trying to go to sleep. You will more likely retain the things you hear just before you fall asleep because of your relaxed and focused state. link

# hack 2: Feed your brain the right food

Our brains are strict and selective when it comes to food. Replace unhealthy foods such as MSG, aspartame, peanuts, fast-food, sugary chocolate creams, with superfoods like blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries. Berries promote profound effects on the brain and protect it from aging.

Foods like pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, buckwheat, quinoa seeds, and chia contain all 9 essential amino acids. This is important because amino acids maintain every vital function. From healthy tissue, the buildup of hormones, to the initiation of all kinds of chemical reactions. The seeds are also rich in Zinc and Magnesium, two crucial minerals related to a healthy brain function.

Lentils are cheap but powerful brain food, loaded with folate and pantothenic acid, two of the B-complex vitamins your cells need to function. They are also rich in magnesium, a cofactor to many cognitive processes and control of blood sugar.

The brain is made of lipids (or fats) so healthy fat consumption is key to our brain health. A polyunsaturated fatty acid is a kind of fat the brain craves as it cannot make on its own. This is especially true for the omega-3s and omega-6s found in fish, eggs, nuts, and seeds.

Choline, a precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, is vital to memorize information and learn from experience. You can find it in eggs, but also many vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and dairy products contain this essential nutrient. 

Quick tip:

Cut down or reduce sugars and increase your daily intake of salads, soups, smoothies, and healthy fats.

# hack 3: mix exercise with a fatty diet

Every time you hit the mental wall while studying, go out and exercise.

Then eat a fish or other sources of brain-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. The research has proven essential phospholipids improve various variables associated with test stress.

So long as it’s the right kind of fat, the brain loves it. It will maybe surprise you that a slice of bacon, a piece of cheese, or a scoop of sugar-free whipped cream is alright for the brain due to the good fat content. Phospholipids remain crucial because they provide brain cell membranes with shape, strength, and elasticity. 

Quick tip:

If you dare, explore intermittent fasting to push your mind and body one big step further.

# hack 4: Start meditating

We can say that meditation is among the fastest methods to ‘hack’ your mind to become more positive and smarter. Mind-calming exercise provides considerable effects on the consciousness. It increases the grey matter of the brain, particularly in the hippocampus. Meditation permits exalted mental links, along with cognitive functions it boosts. During exercise, we keep in mind our environment which as a result reduces stress and harmful thoughts that are the result of excessive thinking. Increased attention means you are much more concentrated.

Quick tip:

We recommend finding out more about the Silva Method which is a self-help and active meditation program developed by José Silva. Many students of this method have reported a major impact on their learning objectives.

# hack 5: Improve Your Memory by Mnemonics

The method of loci is among the most reliable mnemonic techniques for using the mental potential to retain data and quickly gain access to information and facts. Mnemonic systems similar to this are some of the earliest approaches closest to hacking the mind. The method of loci is a precise strategy for access information with far more effectiveness.

Quick tip:

Specify the number of loci in the location you can quickly think of. These destinations should if possible be those you are mentally connected to, such as the house you live in or the school where you are studying, the office spaces where you are working. And then specify areas on these loci – areas where you will link information and remember it afterward because of that connection.

# hack 6: The Leitner System

Leitner system animation
The Leitner system

Advocated by German commentator and science popularizer Sebastian Leitner, the Leitner System is an application of the spaced repeating idea requiring gradual direct exposure to information with time, instead of preparing 10 weeks’ of research before the final examination. The specific strategies of the Leitner System consist of sorting flashcards of information into consecutive “discovering boxes” or listings. When a student solves a card, he moves it to the next container or catalog, while incorrectly resolved cards move back to the learning box no. 1.

Quick tip:

The student understood the information only when he passed all the cards in the last learning box.

# hack 7: Practise speed reading

Reading has a direct result on our brain cells because our mind is neuroplastic. This means we can shape and transform the framework of our brain by imposing certain practices. One of these habits is checking or gaining understanding. Entering information, whether it is browsing publications, short articles, or listening to audiobooks, turns our minds upside down. Among other cognitive abilities, it boosts our attention, focus, and creativity.

Suppose you could increase the rewiring speed by increasing the speed of absorbing knowledge. It turns out speed reading is useful. Speed reading is the ability to check a piece of detail and at the same time thoroughly soak up its content in a shorter period. 

Quick tip:

We recommend taking a look at Mind Valley’s free masterclass which educates how to remember more and forget less.


  1. Probable Nootropic induced Psychiatric Adverse Effects: A Series of Four Cases. (source)
  2. Is it safe to mix Adderall and coffee? (source)
  3. Synaptic plasticity and memory: an evaluation of the hypothesis. (source)
  4. The Contribution of AMPA and NMDA Receptors to Persistent Firing in the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex in Working Memory. (source)
  5. Involvement of the NMDA System in Learning and Memory. (source)
  6. Effect of tyrosine on cognitive function and blood pressure under stress. (source)
  7. L-theanine, a natural constituent in tea, and its effect on mental state. (source)
  8. Lifestyle use of drugs by healthy people for enhancing cognition, creativity, motivation, and pleasure. (source)
  9. Brain wave synchronization and entrainment to periodic acoustic stimuli. (source)
  10. Dietary Supplement-Drug Interaction-Induced Serotonin Syndrome Progressing to Acute Compartment Syndrome. (source)
  11. Probable Nootropicinduced Psychiatric Adverse Effects: A Series of Four Cases. (source)

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